Turn Your Weakness into Your Strength

Zorain Tooba
4 min readApr 12, 2021


You are just overreacting! You are being too emotional right now. Why do you care so much? You are too sensitive.

These were the statements that have been passed on to me numerous times. And I am sure; you have encountered them too, at least once in your life, if you were caring and courageous enough to never feel shame in revealing your vulnerability.

Ironically, we are the people who want to have courage and strength but have been asked not to show our vulnerable side. Whereas vulnerability sets you free, it ultimately gives you the courage. It is a foundation for empathy and kindness. I have been taken my whole life as an extremely emotional person. So much so that when did it turn into my fear and insecurity, I didn’t even realize it. I stopped reacting and showing my emotions.

I realized where I was wrong when once, my friend told me that being emotional is actually my strength, not a weakness and that I had been gifted a diamond and I, took it merely as a lump of coal.

I have never imagined in my life that somebody can appreciate my vulnerability and admire it. This shifted my whole paradigm of thinking, and soon, I began to practice emotional intelligence, self-care, and taking control over my emotions. I turned my weakness into a strength. Since I had always felt this space between disconnectedness and sensitivity, I now want for everyone in this world, to never be taken for granted for their emotions and feelings. I want to make people aware that how liberating their emotions and feelings can, if they learn how to use them to spread positivism, kindness, and compassion, and above all, to use them to connect with others. Just as I learned to do that, you can make your SENSITIVITY your SUPERPOWER too.

Sensitivity is a gift

For this reason, I began to think of ways by which I can liberate people and empower them to accept their flaws and empathize with one another. I started thinking about creating an online platform, significantly a YouTube channel, to create content that makes people understand how to make their vulnerability their strength and how to connect with another person’s sensitivity in the right way. Further, to teach sensitive individuals the methods and tips that could help exercise self-care and self-medication.

To execute this thought process, I needed a plan to convert my thoughts into practical existence.

Therefore, I worked on the following objectives:

  1. I researched this lack of accountability for emotional health and the people who suffer from it. I visited Anmol Zindagi Shelter Home and talked to people there, and realized how important it is, to provide people with knowledge on Emotional health.
Anmol Zindagi Shelter Home

2. I also got more clarity in this regard by more research on it. For example, in one of the research articles, it was shown that how our vulnerability has linked with sensitivity, and how interdependent they are.

Nye, Joseph S. “Independence, and Interdependence.” Foreign Policy, no. 22, 1976, pp. 130–161. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/1148075. Accessed 12 Apr. 2021.

Self-care is Essential

3. Problem Statement: In today’s world, where competition has arisen drastically, every one of us got so busy that we have no time left to practice self-care, kindness, and compassion. There must be an online platform or channel that provides a learning and development environment where emotional care and the sensitive and vulnerable side of the individuals have been showing, which is badly needed.

4. Findings: I paid a visit to the old age home and talked to one of my mentors, Bilquis Rehman, who is a Ph.D. in Sociology, and her expertise includes Social Research, Sociology, and Psychology.

After discussing this idea with my mentor and analyzing the effects of emotional sensitivity on elderly persons, I figured out that it is the one problem that if taken seriously, can show remarkable results of improvement and can drastically enhance the levels of happiness and well-being of an individual.

Emotional Intelligence is a learning skill

This was the motive for which I found a way to use my strengths and gifts to make the world a better place through service, creativity, and leadership.

As Kayti Christian has said,

“your feelings are wonderful, sometimes they just need to be channeled”

The editor at The Good Trade and creator of Feelings Not Aside.



Zorain Tooba

Writing to escape from darkness by coming to brighter side of the world where there’s sky above, eyes twinkling, sublimity whispering & my thoughts overflowing!