Visualizing My Experience at Amal

Zorain Tooba
3 min readJun 10, 2021


‘Things that don’t break you only make you stronger.’

When I recall the beginning classes of Amal Academy, one noteworthy scenario comes to my mind. The time when I was desperately preparing for the GRE, Graduate Record Examination Test. I was putting maximum effort into preparing for this exam. I was staying at University for 8 hours straight. All I was thinking, drinking, and eating started and ended with GRE. And then Amal happened.

I used to have anxiety at the start of Amal sessions, whenever I faced difficulty in managing both studies of GRE and Amal Project work assignments at the same time. The thought of giving up this Amal Fellowship came to my mind numerous times because GRE was on top of my list and Amal Projects used to keep me busy most of the time.

I had to find a way to deal with this stress. To lose an opportunity like Amal was the last thing I could think of. I badly wanted to make them both workable for me. Though time management was one of the big issues, the bigger issue was my extreme worry about how GRE was neglected at the end of the day. Then, I found a way to deal with this. I learned you can make your weakness into your greatest strength. I wrote a blog on it too. Check here.

So, I treated it this way. The same Amal classes and projects that earlier proved to be a barrier in my prep for examination, I made them my only motivation for the GRE. Amal’s principles of Khudi, Kaam Kaam Kaam, and Amal itself were all the significant factors that pushed me to not give up and gave me a sense of provocation that helped me in staying positive and confident that I can do this.

I remember I was writing my first blog which was Just Start, it was the second week of the Amal session and I looked at my desk, the GRE Prep book was there, my office laptop was placed nicely and I was just wondering when I would finish this book.

GRE Book and my University Desk

This book has still not finished. But, now I am more at peace. Because I now know, I have learned all the principles that will help me strive to succeed. Amal taught me ‘Why’ and ‘How’, and I already figured out my ‘What’ a long time ago. I only have to find ‘When’. But, till then, I will keep on looking for ways to get better at life’s struggles and obstacles. There is a long way to go. and I am not tired.

A long road to Ziarat



Zorain Tooba

Writing to escape from darkness by coming to brighter side of the world where there’s sky above, eyes twinkling, sublimity whispering & my thoughts overflowing!